Monday, April 30, 2007


finally new month ios here i hope i will have a bit more luck the last one i was very limited to play beacuse of my internet conecion whothe isp havent managed to fix it i am so pissed had the isp gus over 10 times here and they canot find the error why my internet is fucked up only running on 70% and getting disconected all the time so i hope they find it this week so i can go back and play regular again

i couldn resist so i said to myself il try to make the money even getting disconected all the time so the last 3 days i loggeed in to stars took 5min to conect and then i register for a 100fpp sattelite to the 1kfpp 1 wsop seat guarantee tournament and i was surpriesed with only beingabout 6 times only disconecti manage to qualify for the 1k saved 900fpps there hehee and i played the 1 seatr guarantee i played great tight aggresive fromt he beginning chiped up to 4500 chips then got moved to a very tight table where 7 rocks was trying to fold there way in to the final table and as soonest i realize who is sitting with me i made a 360% turn and start palyinig very loose poker i was playing 60% of my hands and raising all kinda hands 45s,63s,tjs,and so on it didn really matter if i was in positionn or not the players where so tight i could easy fold if i would get repoped so i playt them and went up to 16k in chips so wheere at this point only 45 left out of 375 and i see the 2 wsop seat comming closer to my direction i keep playing very loose and picking up all the pots who nobody wants so then i sit in bb and get delt aa one of the rocks in seat 5 raises 6X the bb hmmmmmm i put him on ak kk,qq maybe a smaller pair what he wants to protect i think if i only flatcall here and he dont hit the flop he fold on me for sure so i repop his tight ass to 18bb which he things about wiht the clock and decides to put me all in i call very happy and he shows kk uffff now only it needs to hold up AND IT DID HOLD UP MY AA and im up to 36k paly foes on im utg 18left i have 66 i raise 3x bb seat 6 minraises me i think he has a bigger pair for sure but im priced in here implied odds where good so i flatcall here flop comes 62j he bets out half a pot i repope him all in and he had me covered he shows aa and im ahead here he is drawing to 2 outs and like the river never fials on stars and brings the a and i bust out 18th in the wsop but i it was a great mtt play

next day i register agian at stars whih i have being avoiding bc im getting disconected there a lot at party poker my low internet line works fine i hopw i have my 2mb speed back this week anyways as i said i register in a 10us 10 min levels
1 hand i got ak utg i raise up 4x get repoped frop seat4 to 420 seat 7 goeas all in and i think omg IS THIS 1 HAND i could easy fold here but i thi=ought its a low limit buy in mtt prolly a lot a donks pushing here with marginal hands and i feel im ahead here if i lose this coinflip i can registrer in a ne one rihgt away so what the hell lets gamble so i push all in seat 4 goes all in so we all 3 are all in i show aks they show kqo and i was right donkssssssssssssss my ak held up and im chipleader with 4500 i start loosing up here now bc i have chips to see a lot a cheep flops if i cant so i did and i chiped up to 12k before 1 break then i got moved to another table with a couple of big stacks on it and this table was just like war a lot a raising and reraising going on here so i right clicked into it i start rerasieng and getting thoose lags to fold and steal some good sized pots so 875 went in here and i play my way down to 45th where i get aa i was a little above average in chips there where 3 to act behind me so i made a mistake here i limped my aa i get 2 more limpers iwas hoping one would raise here to repope him so flop comes 578 i bet out 70% of the pot limper 1 folds limper 2 flatcalls turn j i go all in and i get a call from j4 and sure enought he river brings a 6 and i lose here and get knocked out 45th but i happy with the results beacuse i got somany times disconected it was unreal i made it far under this circumstances
so i will start playing again when they finnaly fix my internet conexion

and i will be updating the blog next week

Saturday, April 14, 2007


i have been taking a break form stars im running so badly and my internet is still fkd up hope to get it fixed soon so i decided to hang around party poker and i build a small roll tehre after winning the steps so i decided to play a couple mtts but i can find a good value mtt at party so i played a 10k gtd for 6us rebuy and i like the starting stacks and the add ons whih is 3k and add on 4.5k its a perfect structure but i had not very goodsucces i rebuy 10 times and couldn win a race or a 80/20 situation it was really bad loses after loses so i decided to stop and go to the jackpot tables i figured at least there i can get paid for a bad beat so i open 4 of them at 1/2 10man and the ACTION BEGINNS first hand i get 33s in the bb 3 i have 3 limpers to see a flop i decided to call here and not to raise if i hit my set i can extract some money here implied odds where perfect so flop comes q32 PERFECT i check seat 3 fires 8us seat 6 fold seat 7 calls and i reraise to 36 seat 4 folds seat 7 calls turn 6 i bet 76us and seat 7 reraises me to 200 all in i got to make a decision here does he have 66 and just hit his set or did he slowplay qq ??? anyway i am potcomited and i have to call here i think with a set its hard tofold so i call and for sure he has 66 and i lose 200 gg next table i have qq flop a set and almost same scenario he bets the flop i rerasie and he goeas all in he had set of ks so another 120us there in 2 hands wow good start i think but its poker soi keepmplaying and pick up some pots and make some good resteals andmanage to break even back in 40 min
the action is getting hot a lot a raising and rerasiing is going on my table a lot a loose aggresive players who loves to shove all in i manga to pick up aa have a 350us stack in front of me i open raise under the gun to 8 us vilian in mp raises to 24 action back to me i reraise him to 125 us and he thinks for his whole timebank and shoves me back his last 220 so i call the 95 remaining and we ara ll in pf he shure shows kk man i was lucky here but the hand is not over yet 5 cards to come q47j2 whoooohoooooo double me up so that was a good hand i ahvent managed yet to figure out who to get the party poker hand histories so i can post a couple of hands here i managed to play for4 hoeurs 4 tabling and made a profit of 624us to bad i didn get a bad beat and won the 220k jackpot what was running
i will keep playing a bit at party poker since the games are so juice there i saw at the lover levels even worst people push all in with qs for 50us thats a +ev play if you have a good hand and have the balls to call it off so far party poker has been very good to me exept the damn horses,casino,and backgammon have been very unlucky there so desinstalled thoose clients from my pc its cheaper i will be posting updates on party in a couple of days i try the steps again

Friday, April 6, 2007

how to turn 3us in 2000us in 2 days 6 abril 2007

hi all today my post is about the party poker step sit and goes
if you havent playt it i highly recommend that you go to party poker and give it a shot its a great value

ok here is the deal they are 6 different step sngs first step is 3us buy in first 2 places advance to stage 2 what is a 10us buy in place 3 and 4 get to play again in step one for free in step 2 the pay structure is the same but in stage 3 and above they pay 7 places 1/2 advance to higher stage 3/4 repeat same stage and 5,6 and 7 get to play one step down the steps to re qualify so if you get to step 6 which is the ultimate step its a 500us buy in but you could qualifyfor 3us as i did and the 1 place is 2000US and pays up to 500 us for place 6th it is great you cant find better value

i try it 2 days ago and got to win my way in to the step4 and yesterday il qualify until step 6 and i won it so i manage to make 2k from 3 us
my advice is play solid poker specially in the smaller steps as you will find a lot a mediocre player pushing the stacks with very marginal hands just wait for a good hand and extract the most value as you climbing in the stages the game is becoming harder the players understand more about the sng concepts and how to play them but i tooke a lot advantage of the scared ones who just want to make the next step so i was pushing almost any 2 cards on the bubble and or in position and as i expected i was chipping up very fast and this strategy helpt me to get into step 6 and win it i noticed players are afraid in the higher steps to push around they rather sit back and play a tight passive style and that is just GREAT for some loose aggressive player like me i reraised a lot and reshoved and got a couple guys to fold and in my opinion im better of to make a couple reraises to intimitade the other players and take down the pot right here and it worked great nobody wants to gamble at stage 5 and 6 believe me so be smart take advantage of it be AGGRESIVE show down some good hands and then back to buissnes steal the blinds and open riases if you sense weakness
anyone who trys it leave a comment to see how you did and what your opinion is about the party poker steps