me and xspades luis miguel captain portugal

katja thater to my left and paul overton to my right

well starting with the day i left from here i arrived in barcelona with no lugagge and they said they would be delievering it the next day so i checked in to the hotel that pokerstars provided us with and let em said it right here pokerstars knows how to tread they players we where treated all as profesionals 5 star resort top class food, top class gear,so after check in i met mister paul overton assitent manager from pokerstars great guy very profesionally ,and helpfull this guy deserves special credit for the work he has done next person i get to met is mr .lee jones in person also i have to say what a great guy very professionaly and funny too but focused on his buissnes he where on top of things thats why stars is the ebst site this gentleman is the driving force there and made understrand to the company what does it take to be nr 1 in the market MY RESPECTS MR LEE JONES
then il go up to my room to geta little rest before heading to the sohoko restaurant where they had arranged the welcome party but the team captains had to be there one hoeur earlyer for the table draw and seats for the team mates
so teh hotel room is very cool everything you need plasma tv all designer style contemporary equipment i men name it they had it including wireless internet roof pool another pool downstairs ,gym,spa, food was very clasy even if i made it only 2 days to breakfast couldn get my ass up early there and breakfest ended at 11 so gg me
after resting a bit and getting fresht up i decided to go down and explore the resort a bit and i am walking down the hall to get to the elevators and guess who i walke into mr greg raymer himself he was on the same flor as me he looked at me and i was wearing a pokerstars shirt that paul gave me sohe kew i was some kind involved here too but i dind hesitate i presentet myself to mr raymer and said hi i am tony and he answered very politely hi i am greg raymer istony the name you go for and i said yes thatshow my frinds calle me beacuse my real name is more difficult to spell so we ride together in the elevtor and walked over to the restaurant to have the draw
for teh seat positions in the tourney he is a very classy guy and very openminded we talked about poker and strategys for the cup he tlkes poker like a surgeon what poker brain this guy you can tell he is very educated and very knowledgable about many things
so we arrived at the restaurant and it was a very cool place like a lounge and restaurant combined right on the beach there where alot a tv crews .reporters, fotographers , and they ent crazy shooting pictures and recording the draw danielnegreanue showed up and katja thater teh german pro hat a classy lady i had a blast talking to her in german it was very nice i met the rest of all the teams all very friendly and exited to be there
sow e started the draw and i get to seat on heat one table one with greg raymer as my opponent i thouhgt great now you get the opportunity to play a champ at one table without having to buy a 15000 fpp ticket fora vip match with him so that was already positive even if i knew he would be a hard nut to crack i enjoy to play good players i feel i can learn a lot from them
after we finished the drawing thing we had awsome sushi buffett that was just awsome open bar and everybody was drinking adn chating with everybody and having a great time interviews where going on all over the place it was fun real cool expirience daniel was making jokes he is a verry funny guy
after the welcome party we headed to the casino where they had a freeroll organizedfor 1600 us but i really didn care about that freeroll i wanted to go to bed beacuse i was so exhausted from the trip so i daw my seat card just next with katja thater at the same table and paul the assistent mnager was dealing at the table behind me daniel negreanu was the dealer and he made a comedy show out of that we had such a laugh with him he was constantly making jokes and imitating people so they freeroll i got involved in 3 hands and busted my at to kk with katja i hit my aceon teh flop but she rivered a k on the river so i as ready to go to bed and get some rest for tomorrows event
next day i woke up early about 10 and went to breakfest what a great selecion they had i enjoy it very much then i decided to go to town and hang out a bit and buy some stuff before the 1 heat started soi went to ramblass which is the main street in barcelona shoppign street and all the tourist hanging around cafes and restaurants right and left so i shopped a couple things saw some interesting stuff there
so after that i went back to the resort to get dressed and ready for the event i put up my pokerstars gear and i was on to my way to the casino as soonest i arived there they had mounetd a really nice setup fro teh televised event so a couple reporters came up to me asking me for intervieews and foto sessions and tv interviews so i agreed to everyone of them specially teh german reporters where intereested in me since i was born and raised in germany and speak fluent german
so then we sat down at the table i had raymer in seat 3 and i was in 7 raymer said gl tony i responded ty i need it with you here at my table he smilled as i said i am very impressed with greg raymer he is such a nice guy and very classy i liked to be around him so we started teh agme and i was like i couldn get a hand to play the table was kinda aggresive alot a raises reraises but people where cathcng hands like the rumanien guy jhe had3 pps tt, jj.qq in less then 10 hands and i couldn get higher then 55s utg which i had to fold i picked up ak on the big blind when raymer limped in for 100 in the cutt off i rerasied to 400 he flat called flop came like at9 i thought to myself i cannot give the champ here a free cardhemight hit his small pair or any high card he has on the turn so i fired 700 on that flop raymer stared me down with his funny dino glasess and decided to fold so that pot i took andother one we played together i was in sb and get ak he raised in late position i decided to flat call there with my 2 high cards and it was the right decision flop came 689 he bets strong like he hit the flop maybe tripsor so and i decided not to continue with my ak so imucked it and save chips there for teh rest i was really card dead my friends told me that even the comentators where sayng that ,that i didn have any cards to play at all so i blinded down slowly 2 where eleiminated already so 6 left i get66 under the gun and had 2700 chips left and i thought i need to push here usuing the gap concept maybe i can take thatdown uncontested but ithought wrong mister raymer woke up with ako in the cutt off so he called my all in a nd no help on the flop for eitehrone and my 66s held up so i went to 5400 or so and then again same story card ddead nothing orth to play or even limp in that pot blinding down again ind i have about 3k left hen i pick up 44s in the bb i thought i might can see a flop here but
canadien michael watson also known as sirwatts pushes all in the sb and i really had a tought decision here but i decided at best im in a race situation and at worst im a huge underdog so i decided towait for a better spot and i think itwas a wise decision il explain you why later so next round goes around and il pick up 77 in the bb and cu raises to 2500 i had 2700 left so i decided to make a stand maybe he has 2 high cards and im in a race but luck was not on ouer site the whole tourney so he ahd kk vs my 77 and toamke things worst he hit k on flop so gg me in that heat i felt i played a great game and i was proved right when daniel negreanue came up to me and said I THOUGHT YOU PLAYED A GREAT GAME I WAS WATCHING YOUR WHOLE CARDS YOU WHERE TOTAL CARDDEAD THIS MADE ME FEEL THAT I MADE THE RIGHT PLAY THERE WITH MY 44S and he also posted that coment in his blogi found that really cool i said thank you daniel ,here is the link for teh blog from daniel he made that comment under mexico team i was the first player there
so next heat was very questionable play by one of my team mates i am anxious to see the dvd from the whole worldcup to see the whole cards i felt from the rail he didn make any plays or didn use his position to gain chips but nothing i can do there
next day i woke up late for breakfast so i went to teh por viel to grab some food before going back to the casino to play heat 3
after arriving in the casino we agreed that the celebrity player from today where going to mix things upand not let danny push around the table so she started very well picked up some pots when she reraised aggresive but then she picked up kts uand made a mistake by trowing in a white chip which was 500 and makes a 850 raise daniel in teh bb just calls flop comes 2 spades 348 or so she bets out and daniel reraised here she didn know he had AA so she decided to go all in on a flushdraw there or maybe she could daniel make to ofld his small pair or 2 hihg cards but he called and where surprised tosee that AA where dominating she still ahd 8 outs since daniel was holding the ace of spades so 8 outs and no hit in eithere street and gg us here too
it was disapionting to see luck where everywhere else exept at the mexican team
teh usa team had a lot of it tnetter psuhed 97o utg all in and get called by ak form lp and he hits 9 on river to criple the rumanien then he rerpoes all in with qj and the cristian dragomir made a great call there for 16k repop with kq but luck helped usa again and they spiked j on turn i mean luck was not balanced there in barcelona at all but thats poker i guess
next day i woke up late again and as im walking down the hall i see raymer with a big map of barcelona wondering where the fuck he is o have to go lol i say hey greg wazup man he says hi tony here man trying to figure out how to get to ramblass i answered leave your mape at home man i know the city a bit lets go i need to buy some stuff to he said great lets go and of we went grabed a cab and drove into donwtown
we had some great converstaions and laughs so we went on a shopping trip buying anything we saw what we would like or ouer wifes would like to have we where wondering true stores and markets had a cofee since it was early still and we run in to some other players too from rumania there so we went to buy some souvenirs and it was very funny as i dont buy nothing without negotiating the price greg found it very funny he said tony i lay back and let you handle that i see you are on top ofthings here so i had 3 emplyes running around for me gettinfme tsirts,hat,keychains,cards, typical tourist stuff and i was negotiating a overall price witht he owner of teh stoee he spoke a bit greek so i was cool negociating with him at one point greg raymer had a tshirt fro 20 euros in his hand and i told him hey greg i jsut got him down to 11euros fro your t shirt he laughed and said go tony i could tell form teh very first moment that you have sale abilitys hahahahahah so i still was fighting with the guy in the store to give me more discount and present for me beacuse i have brouhgt hima customer and bougt a lot a stuff myself raymer was just laughing how i was runningthe guy but i couldn get him to that free gift on the end so i stoped i manage to get a t least 35% discount on all things combined so we all where happy idont know about the store owner but me and gregraymer where so thats enough for us
another funny thing what happened since i was on tv and live webcast all or most of my online friends aree now calling me by my real name since i lost anonymity with that broadcoast lol
one of my team mates got drunk first day and fucked up the whole floor vomited all over had to deal with the manager about tha t issue and they charged him the cleaning for the carpet for 200 euros so i hope he lerns out of that it was embarising for the whole team
so teh last heat here going a lot better the freeroll qualifyers had a little more luck picked up some cards and raked in some pots but made a couple of small istakes what cost tehm chips and points but in my opinion they played great in there games i was very proud of them i see alot a potential in thoose 2 youngsters if they focus they will become great players one oftehm finihsed 3th bringing home 2k for teh team and the other one got really unlucky but as i said it was a great expirience
then the finals came up and iw as cheering for everybody i ahd to be neutral and i liked all teams they were great all of them and very friendly and since im a multi culturla guy i like to be around different cultures and talking in different languages with everybody i ahd a blast during the whole event i made a lot a new friends and learned a lot what will be beneficiary to my game in the future
before i left i went to lee jones and paul overton assitent manger of stars and thanked them for everything and congratulate them on the great job they have done and i could tell they where very pleased to hear things like that even if we didn amke it to the finals i think coments and compliments liek that is the driving force for those guy my respects to you all at stars you doing a awsome job keep it up
then i had to fly back next day and the nightmare started my flight got delayed and i missed my connection flight from atlanta to mexico and had to sleep over in a shitty comfort in place wht i got from the airline in atlanta and arrived 4 hoeurs later tomy house as planed what a fuck up from delta airlines but someday i will have my own plane when i win any majot someday lol
aslo i will psot a couple fotos here for you guys i will rest a bit and then start my usuall grind online and getting ready for wcoop also and the draw tables i missed it
so il keep ya updated here
gl all
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